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Environmental Storytelling: Narration and Guidance in 3D Exploration Games

How can 3D game environments be used as primary narrative and guidance devices in exploration games?

The emergence of simulated 3D space introduced uncharted digital territories and limitless creative possibilities. This marked a monumental leap in video game development and its evolution as an authentic narrative medium. With the expansion of the gaming industry came the demand for high visual plausibility and immersive experiences. Many modern games, however, rely too much on overt methods of narration and player-leading, negatively affecting visual plausibility and immersion, especially in the context of exploration games. This thesis focuses on using 3D game environments as primary narrative and guidance devices. It explores ways of diminishing reliance on overt methods of narration and player-leading by using environmental storytelling and passive guidance systems.

Degree project: Alain Prélaz
Specialization: MA Game Design, 2022
Mentors: Dr. Mela Kocher, lic. phil. René Bauer

Environmental Storytelling: Narration and Guidance in 3D Exploration Games
Environmental Storytelling: Narration and Guidance in 3D Exploration Games
Environmental Storytelling: Narration and Guidance in 3D Exploration Games