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Out of Office – Where we will work in the future and how that will affect our living spaces

How can design empower remote workers to positively shape their daily lives?

Remote work received a huge boost from the Covid-19 Pandemic and the home office is now a part of everyday life for many knowledge workers. But in addition to the workspace at home and the traditional office, workplaces outside this new norm are also emerging. The general population, however, is only just discovering these inbetween places and their benefits. Out of Office designs visionary workplaces with the goal of developing spatial solutions, that generate tangible benefits for all parties involved, by networking at the interface of users, companies and society. Three concrete future scenarios show the potential of such a solution.

Degree project: Alessa Rehmann
Specialization: MA Product Design, 2022
Mentors: Martin Meier, Aela Vogel, Véronique Rebetez,
Susanne Marti, Dr. Francis Müller

Out of Office is addressing the development of future workplaces.
Out of Office is addressing the development of future workplaces.
Wie werden wir in Zukunft arbeiten? Weitere Szenarien sind auf der Projektseite zu finden.
The value model shows the different focus areas of three future scenarios.
The value model shows the different focus areas of three future scenarios.
Out of Office – Where we will work in the future and how that will affect our living spaces