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Low-Skill Music Adventure - Reinterpretation of Walking Simulators in a Music-Game-Context

How can design patterns of Low-Skill Adventures be used to create a motivating music adventure that focuses the attention of the player on the music?

Music games with low skill requirements are an interesting medium for music creators as well as music lovers, since the ease of using this games leaves room for enjoying the music. Walking Simulators are games that have a similar goal and try to focus the player's perception on graphics and narration. This genre has established itself as a niche product in the game industry and can also be found as an object of research, whereas little is known about comparable games with a music focus. In this paper, Low-Skill Adventures are defined and discussed as a complementary term to walking simulator and related games are analyzed. The goal is to use the findings to generate and test ideas for interesting and motivating Low-Skill Music Adventures.

Degree project: Andreas Bissig
Specialization: Ma Game Design, 2022
Mentors: lic. phil. René Bauer, Dr. Mela Kocher

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Categories of Low-Skill Adventures
Categories of Low-Skill Adventures
Low-Skill Adventures as Subgenre of Adventure Games
Low-Skill Adventures as Subgenre of Adventure Games
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