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Low-Interaction Games

How Low Interactivity Shapes Games, Game Mechanics and Motivational Design.

Artefakt: «Idle Sunbathing»

Which characteristics and patterns define low-interaction games and how can a common, relevant vocabulary be created that can contribute to a better discussion of these games?

This thesis examines one of the more recent video game genres, that of idle and clicker games. In today’s understanding, digital games are systems based on human-machine interaction. Active participation in the game by humans is pivotal to this. Idle games, with their characteristically low interaction, thus question what exactly constitutes a game. In this work, I will explore these game genres from the point of view of taxonomy, sub-genres and motivational design.

The goal is to introduce the patterns of low-interaction games to a wider game studies and developer community. Through theoretical work, workshops and a game prototype, it offers an alternative perspective for reflections on low-interaction games in general and self-playing games in particular.

Degree project: Larissa Wild
Specialization: Ma Game Design, 2021
Mentors: lic. phil. René Bauer, Dr. phil. Mela Kocher

"Idle Sunbathing" in the beginning of the game. The sun shoots sun rays at the sunbathing person as he or she tans.
"Idle Sunbathing" in the beginning of the game. The sun shoots sun rays at the sunbathing person as he or she tans.
"Idle Sunbathing" with all upgrades unlocked. The sunbathing person was turned too soon and is angry because he/she did not tan enough.
"Idle Sunbathing" with all upgrades unlocked. The sunbathing person was turned too soon and is angry because he/she did not tan enough.
"Idle Sunbathing" with all upgrades unlocked. The sunbathing person was successfully tanned and is happy.
"Idle Sunbathing" with all upgrades unlocked. The sunbathing person was successfully tanned and is happy.
The sunbathing person was not turned in time: She/he got a sunburn. Meanwhile, the sun starts feeling very powerful.
The sunbathing person was not turned in time: She/he got a sunburn. Meanwhile, the sun starts feeling very powerful.
Both players have reached their highest level. The sun is in its megalomaniac stage while the sunbathing person struggles with keeping up with all the intense sun rays.
Both players have reached their highest level. The sun is in its megalomaniac stage while the sunbathing person struggles with keeping up with all the intense sun rays.